Movement Assessment Battery for Children (Movement ABC) - The Movement ABC helps to identify delay or impairment in motor development.
Test of Visual Perception Skills (TVPS) - The TVPS assesses visual-perceptual strengths and weaknesses.
The Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS) - AMPS is an observational assessment used to measure how well a child (or adult) performs familiar activities of daily living (ADL). The child completes familiar and life relevant Activities of Daily Living (ADL). They are evaluated on their effort, efficiency, safety and independence.
Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration - The Beery VMI can be used to identify visual-motor deficits that can lead to learning, neuropsychological and behaviour problems. The Beery VMI series also provides supplemental Visual Perception and Motor Co-ordination tests. Visual motor integration can be defined as the coordination of visual perception and fine motor control. Visual motor integration allows us to use our eyes and our hands in a coordinated manner to perform tasks such as copying letters or numbers, forming shapes, copying patterns, or other tasks.
Miller Function & Participation Scales (Mfun) - The developmental assessment tool assesses functional motor skills. It helps to link performance of functional activities to neuromotor foundational abilities